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The Spiritual Blueprint for Your Best Year Yet
The start of a new year offers a sacred opportunity…
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Your Year in Reflection: Ending the Year with Gratitude and Renewal
As the year winds down, it’s time to pause, reflect,…
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Manifesting Abundance: Harnessing Intentions to Create a Soulful Life
Abundance isn’t just about material wealth—it’s a state of being…
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Rituals for a Mindful Holiday Season: Finding Serenity Amid the Festivities
The holiday season isn’t just about gifts and festive meals—it’s…
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A mix of Scandinavian design and spiritual awareness

With innovative & sustainable materials Fajers is about making a holistic lifestyle accessible when you are on the go.


Our vision is to work with innovative and sustainable materials. From the fiber of the fabric to the paper we print.

When we source new materials, we look at the following criteria’s:

–       What the fiber is made out of.
–       The process of producing the material.
–       The company behind the material.
–       Where it is made.

Yulex is the first fabric we chose to work with. It is the natural rubber at its finest. Yulex is a high performing, 100% plant-based, sustainably sourced fabric.
It is the safest natural alternative to commercial hevea. The process of creating this material removes 99.9% of the harmful impurities.

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